DistrictD is a web platform for fundamental stock research. The platform has interactive web financial models (of more than 1000 listed Indian companies), Portfolio Analysis and design tools, Industry analysis, Stock screens and filters, valuation analysis, Return Analysis etc.
Please refer to our tutorial videos on our Resources page.
Yes, you can save your own models with your estimates and valuations. To save click the Round save button on bottom left corner of your screen on model page. The saved model will be automatically updated for actual financial results in due course of time.
The Portfolio Analytics tool helps users to design their portfolios, by optimizing them on various ratios and metrics. The Advanced version allows users to upload their transactions to generate deeply insightful report on performance evaluation and identify gaps/mistakes in decision making.
The quarterly results are updated within 24 hours of result declaration. Annual financials and models are updated within upto 2 days of the results release. We typically update our models 2-3 times a year to factor in the mid year performance or any data updations.
DistrictD compiles the fundamental data using an inhouse team of analysts. The data is sourced from company releases – quarterly, annual reports, presentations etc and other publicly available sources.
DistrictD models and coverage come with the following data for each company covered
Historical Financials – P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flows for atleast 10 years for companies where such data is available.
Operational metrics
Financial metrics
Quarterly Financials – P&L, Balance Sheet, Segment data, Operational metrics
Concall recordings, transcripts, presentations
Shareholding patterns
General information – Company Description, Management, Board, Ratings, Geographies of operations
Valuations – historical (forward basis), relative comps
You can raise a ticket inside the app. Our team will respond back within 24hours. To raise a ticket please use the icon at the top "Raise an Issue" and mention your concern (also can attach any screenshots) and submit the ticket.
You can also track the status of your ticket on the portal from status 'Open' to 'Inprogress' to 'closed'.
Analyst support is available in some Institutional Plans only. For others you can raise issues using the ticketing mechanism inside the app.
We are always open to suggestions and improvements to the platform.
Can I request DistrictD to add any listed Indian company model and operational data on the platform?
Depending on our internal checks, we can add companies as requested. In case of some missing data in some existing company on the platform, please raise a ticket.
We request you to visit on our YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/@districtdco, where you will find videos which guide you how to use the functionality available on the platform.
You can pay by any means such as debit card, credit card, Net Banking, UPI etc.
Receipt will be auto generated once your payment is successful and it will be mailed to you instantly.
Yes, you can enter your GST details at the time of payment and you will be able to receive GST credits.
We don’t have a refund policy currently. If you face any issues, need help or have feedback for us, please write to us at [email protected]
There are three retail plans (viz. – Free plan, Active and Pro Investors) for users to subscribe to. For any customized requirements you can write to us at [email protected]
Active Investor Plan is the most basic paid plans, it comes with access to as many models you want to access. The Pro Investor Plan builds on top of the Active Investor Plan. It offers Advanced Portfolio Analytics, Advanced Financial tools (like band charts, returns attributions etc), Industry Analysis and better personalization options.
Yes, Add On features can be added to your existing subscription at any time
For Institutions we offer a wide range of services and solutions to automate, manage and efficiently run their processes. These solutions help in Operations, Fund Selection, Research management, Client Reporting etc. For Institutional requirements please write to us at [email protected]
Please contact us at [email protected]
To know more about our features please see the videos on the Resources page. To experience/try our web models free plan is already there.