Just like every year, we did an analysis on the deviations in Revenue/EBITDA/EPS between FY23 actual numbers and our base model estimates. The analysis was performed on 983 companies this time, for companies which have March Year-end.
Mohit Sharma
Published on 16/06/2023 09:07 AM
We have updated the financial models of companies having FY ended on December. Corporate actions adjustment have been done in the few models. We are going to enhance our coverage by five companies by the end of this month
Mohit Sharma
Published on 16/03/2023 06:52 PM
We have updated Q3 FY23 results over 950 companies in a timely manner. Updated the December ending companies models and launched Tyre Industry. We also did modifications in our company's market classification, now revised as per the SEBI provided by AMFI.
Mohit Sharma
Published on 16/02/2023 06:24 PM