
  Fundamentals, Test Match

Priyanka Gandhi

Published on 31/05/2022 04:41 PM


Hope you grabbed one of the biggest opportunities in the last couple of years. Markets got very jittery (from weak) around Sept last year and remained so till Feb this year. No one can say for sure what it will be like going forward, however in hindsight it seemed like the best opportunity over the past couple of years. I am sure the stock pickers had their picks – many stocks have bounced back (nearly doubling back from lows), several others failed to recover.

A lot of investors I met over the past couple of years tend to think that fundamental analysis is just looking at the past financial data and making screens on them. I for one believe that there is more to it. Some of it is do with the innate ability with which you look at businesses and how they can make money. It is like a test match – long, patient, difficult but immensely satisfying for the purists. And like all matches there are risks associated including (but not limited to) things such as weather changes!

DistrictD brings to you your own fundamental analysis gear, which can help you in your test match. Some of the stuff we have done over the past year and have in works are in PS below.

Also just felt like sharing an interesting read on customer servicing from a fellow entrepreneur. @Jatin Gujrati – hear you on this.

PS – Key features we have added last year

  • Company Models increased from c.300 to c.800 now
  • Datasets – Quarterly results, Shareholding patterns, Business factors – Geographical presence, Products and services, Operational and financial Metrics etc.
  • Color coded quarterly results analysis screen
  • Better productivity tools – Notes – Upload attachments, Calendar (Added corporate actions, earnings con call updates), Important links to transcripts, presentations etc, Daily email updates on followed companies.
    Upcoming features
  • Industry level datasets and quarterly business metrics
  • Advanced stock filtering – across various financial, valuation, business metrics
  • Working on consensus (still !!, yes it is taking some time)
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